EHG Edelstahl Rohrherstellung GmbH
Tailor-made stainless steel tubes.
We are a specialized manufacturer and supplier of high quality welded stainless steel tubes. We have the special ability to produce and deliver pipes according to your requirements in individual dimensions and with special materials within a short time. We deliver to companies and steel stockholders in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries in Europe.
From 8 to 168,3 mm outside diameter
Whether standard or special dimensions, whether in 1.4301 or 1.4878, whether annealed or polished – we manufacture the tubes exactly as you need them.
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+49 (0) 7151 / 132-0
Put us to the test.
Plant-and automotive construction or food industry
Customers from various industries rely on our products. And more and more customers are considering the use of welded tubes as a cost-effective alternative to other manufacturing processes.
Your emergency package against production
Your project threatens to get into trouble because you don’t get the necessary pipes? We are specialized in carrying out even unusual orders in a short time.
Get in touch with us and find out more about our emergency solutions. Because the better we know about each other in advance, the smoother the thing will go. Without obligation, no pushy sales person, just an expert talk by mail or telephone.
Fast delivery to
companies in Europe
Customers appreciate our production in the heart of Europe. Because it enables short transport routes and thus short delivery times. This enables us to respond even to unusual requests in the shortest possible time.
Our DNA: Flexibility
We are a modern and expanding family-run business. Read who we are and what makes us different.
May we also inspire you?
- Welded stainless steel tubes as a cost-effective alternative to other processes
- Individual dimensions possible
- Specific materials possible
- Fast start of our production due to flexible production facilities
- Short transport routes and therefore short delivery times in Europe, compared to suppliers from Asia
- Management system certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
- Your solution-oriented account manager is available for you at any time
We are here for you.
Do you have questions?
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